


Welcome – Benvenuti to Italia Bound!

I thought I would start a blog about travel. Not so much because I do a lot of travelling but because I’m constantly asked by clients, friends and acquaintances questions about traveling in Italy. I figured, if all these people are constantly asking for help and advice, there must be many more out there that could use the same.

Italy Should not be Cookie Cutter Holiday

There are a lot of travel agents out there and many more websites, and travel bloggers that do a great job telling you what to do, where to go. Often they target the masses, and if everyone does the same thing, well, you hardly will do anything unique or different. Fortunately for me…and for you I bring a different angle that focus on the topic but comes from an insider’s point of view. I lived in Italy, travel often there, speak several of its dialects and am passionate about my homeland.

Unique Personal Experience

I like to think of myself as more of an insider with valuable information rather than a travel savvy person or agent. The people that I’ve helped over the years always seem to be looking for the same information. Yet have different interests and tastes. They want to know where to find the things they need and what to do that is out of the ordinary. I realize that helping my clients not only saves them money but more importantly saves them time. This allows them to enjoy new things that were not in their original plans. It also puts them at ease about where they are going and the uncertainties are alleviated if not completely eliminated.

Diversify Your Visit in Italy

Although I’ve traveled alone as well as with my family all over Europe, Canada, US and Japan, I give my advice only about my homeland, Italy, because I know it well. I no longer live there, but did grow up in Novara in the Piemonte region and traveled intensely throughout it as well into Friuli where my grandmother lived until she was 99 years old. I would never miss visiting that beautiful region and its hidden treasures.

We also skied in Val D’Aosta and sunbathed in Liguria and Tuscany, so all of Northern Italy in particular is like my own backyard. I lived it and loved it as a child, teen and young adult and enjoy bringing my family there as well. All three of my children and my wife (who doesn’t have an Italian background) have been there many times.

Holiday Like Italians Live

What makes these regions so wonderful is the simplicity of how people live and enjoy life to the fullest. It’s how in Novara at ten o’clock at night, we meet friends in the piazza for a gelato or drive 60 kilometres to Monferrato to have a fabulous lunch that takes three or four hours to consume. And, while we eat the children play outside in the gardens. You can’t go more then 10 kilometres without experiencing a new site, whether it’s monasteries, churches, castles, villages on the many picturesque lakes such as Orta, or ferrying off to an island on the Lago Maggiore.

You can travel from Novara to Udine, for instance, and experience completely different sceneries. Here the dialect, which I know, is a mix of Slav, Italian and Austrian. The piazza has the same architectural designs as Venice, although there is no water to be found. Udine was once part of the Serenissima, The Venetian Republic. Do you want great wine. Great food. Friendly people. Breathtaking panoramas, mountains or white sandy beaches,? Then it’s all in one package in Friuli region.

All these regions offer everything a traveler would want for a complete Italian experience. Different from many other touristy areas, in Friuli you will experience and live more like the Italian way. Foreign tourists are scarce and few. I like to promote more areas such as these because in many ways they reflect more of the true Italian lifestyle.  Often these areas are overlooked and not incorporated in travel plans.

Expand Your Horizons and Explore Italy Landscapes

Individuals that spend their money traveling often want to go where they know they won’t be disappointed. In doing so, they often miss great opportunities to experience new sites. Not everyone is a Lonely Planet type of traveller. Sometimes if an individual only travels once a year for three weeks, they want the best bang for their buck. And who can blame them. Traveling these days can be expensive and time consuming. Why then waste time figuring out what to do once you have already landed. Planning is essential, but at the same time one must leave something for the unexpected.

So, join me in the blogs to come as I explore Italy and give some insights about places, people, food and culture, and I’ll help you discover places that you should visit but often wouldn’t have otherwise considered or better, never even knew existed.

“Till then… Buon viaggio.

Are  you travelling to Italy and are interested in my assistance, or would like to comment on my post?  Just drop a line below or contact me privately at info@italiabound.com.