“We are going to be in Rome, on the Amalfi Coast, in Tuscany, and near Siena. What other interesting places are there to see?”  This is one of the most asked question to me by friends or clients travelling to Italy.

That question carries a lot of weight. Italy is not a place that has a hundred  interesting things to see nor a thousand. Italy may have its name to claim monuments, but the reality is that on your way from one monument to the next there may be 600 more interesting places and towns to see, and often more beautiful or interesting than what you were on your way to see originally.

Duomo in Milan, Italy
Milan’s Duomo

You could be in a small town station waiting for a train to Rome, for instance, and just by looking around you notice unique architectural delights.

Italy’s Cultural Pride

Italy and Italians over the century had and still do have lots of pride in their everyday work. The buildings were never built with only practicality in mind. They were built to reflect the culture, the people, therefore the times. Nothing says more about an architect, than the style of building that he or she builds. Fountains were designed with grandeur ideas and looks in mind. The “big square box” North American style buildings are never considered even in today’s Italy. Fortunately, laws are in place to prevent that. Milano Centrale, as an example, was finished in 1931 by Mussolini. Its grandeur reflects his ego yet creates pride amongst Milanesi, even if most of them never were or no longer are fascists. It’s a mixture of Art Nouveau, Art Deco and fascism. Oh yes! and trains are supposed to stop there as well.


Architecture wonder in Cuneo, Italy
The marble floors and ticket wicket in Cuneo
Small Places as Interesting as…

Cuneo train station, to remain on the rail stations theme, is a beautiful architectural wonder that mesmerizes the average train user. It looks more like a museum. The restoration is meant to recreate what the original designers envisioned.

Details in train station in Cuneo, Italy
interesting details of the brass stairs handle by marble stairs

Cuneo is a town of just around 56,000 people nestled in the southwester area of Piemonte and hardly has the volume of tourists that Milan has. Nonetheless, when you come upon this town and its train station, you will be impressed.

To this day, Italians are leaders as they pour their pride in fashion, automotive, furniture design, and culinary delights, and that’s only the tip of the iceberg. This pride and artistic creativity is represented in everyday living. It makes for a more inspiring environment, therefore everyone benefits from. The way they dress, what they eat, how they socialize and how they live represent centuries of rich traditions, history and pride.

When asked “what else is there to see?”, the only answer that I can give is this: Keep your eyes, mind and senses always open and everywhere you go will never cease to amaze you. Italy is to tourists what a candy store is to a child.

And if you enjoy food see my post 5 things to Know About Dining in Italy because how and when to eat is as much as an art as the food itself.

“Till then…Buon viaggio

Are  you travelling to Italy and are interested in my assistance, or would like to comment on my post?  Just drop a line below or contact me privately at info@italiabound.com.


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