If you are in Italy and you are looking for unique art and culture, it would be impossible to miss it. Italy is a open air museum and everywhere you go the ghosts of the past are all around you enhancing your experience. One not to miss.
Lets start:
1) Architecture. Art and Culture
The essence of art and culture. It’s everywhere, but sometimes overlooked or taken for granted, even the one dating back from before Christ.
From Roman ruins to Longobards Castles to Etruschian catacombs. The visual experience is endless when you travel throughout Italy, from one part of the country to another, based on who was the ruler or the invader at that time.
Italy architecture constantly changed with unique and refreshing art and culture.
Trieste, for instance, a city reminiscing of Vienna since it was under Austrian-Hungarian control until almost the end of the 18th century, contrasts from Torino with its French influence.

Torino was seized by Napoleon until its fall, or Napoli, which was contested between the French and Spaniards dynasties basically up until the Risorgimento or unification of Italy in 1861.
What is amazing about Italy is the uniqueness of its architecture. It is worthwhile to pay close attention to all of its beauty as you travel across the landscapes.
To me a must see is the Reggia of Caserta. Royal Palace from the 18th century and now a UNESCO Heritage Site. Once the home of Carlo III, Duke of Bourbons and King of the Kingdom of Naples. It’s the largest Royal residence in the world. Need I say more? A must see. reggiadicaserta.beniculturali.it
2) Museums, Art Show and Galleries.
It is well obvious that Italy itself is an open air museum yet you will find something under a museum roof that will excite and inspire you to search for more unique beauties in this amazing country. Italians thirst for art and culture allows for hundreds and hundreds of museums, art galleries and theatres to instil knowledge and entertainment. The museum choices are endless, whether it’s affreschi, paintings, sculptures, modern or antique furniture, or… Yes! Even racing cars.
Museums are everywhere. And you need not be in a big center to take in any of that.

A must is the Uffizi in Florence . And one of my favourites, ( although it has nothing to do with Italy) is the Museo Egizio di Torino. It’s the largest Egyptian museum outside Egypt. I need to go back there again. I just love it.
3) Archeological sites
In a Country rich of past civilizations it isn’t hard to find archeological sites to explore. Naturally the ones that come to mind are Pompei, pompei.it , Ercolano ercolano.beniculturali.it and of course Rome itself.

In Tuscany or Umbria there are many archeological sites of the mysterious Etruscan civilization. Particular the Necropolis of Cerveteri and Tarquinia not to be mistaken for the Necropoli della Banditaccia also near Cerveteri. If you have the time, you should see both.
Sicily, and Calabria on the other hand are home of many Greek ruins such as in the Valley of the Temples in Agrigento, where The Temple of Concordia reigns over the Sicilian island. A must see.
Aquileia, founded in 181 BC, in Friuli is rich in Roman ruins, ancient crypts and most recently a newly found Roman port buried under thousand years of dirt grasses and trees. Further north, but by only 40km, is Cividale, founded in. 53 BC by Julius Cesar.

You can discover the history of the Longobardi. It’s path through different civilizations. Amongst many things you must visit the 3rd Century Celtic burial crept –Ipogeo Celtico- www.cividale.com deep in the undergrounds of the town. ( get the key from the restaurant next door or at the travel information center ).
What’s is amazing is that all are part of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
These among many others, are museum, cities and sites that I personally visited and enjoyed, but thousand more are there waiting to be discovered by you. That is Why You Should Go to Italy… It’s An Experience Not Just a Holiday. And if you decide to head over to this wonderful country, I can help.
“Til then…Buon viaggio.
Are you travelling to Italy and are interested in my assistance, or would like to comment on my post? Just drop a line below or contact me privately at info@italiabound.com.
Cividale is beautiful in every season, but autumn is the best: don’t forget to eat “frico”! Ciao.
Ciao Sara.
Everytime I find myself in Friuli, I always have frico. In particular at a place in Togliano. My kids love playing in the restaurant’s park while us adults enjoy a nice plate of salumi, frico and a glass of wine from Spessa. Ciao. A presto.